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Sleeping more than 8 hours is risk factor for cognitive impairment in over 65s

April 23, 2014
Science Daily/Asociación RUVID
Sleeping more than 8 hours and less than 6, and the lack of cognitive stimulation such as reading, favors the development of cognitive impairment in people over 65, research suggests. Cognitive impairment, often age-related, is associated with dementia. 35.6 million people worldwide suffer from dementia and given the progressive aging of the population 100 million cases are expected in 2050.

According to the authors of this study in addition to genetic factors, cognitive decline is also linked to risk factors such as age and others related to lifestyle, such as physical exercise, hours of sleep or intellectual stimulation. In the case of age, the study has found that the prevalence of recorded cognitive impairment shows a 9% increase each year, which means that every ten years the risk of suffering this illness doubles.

The study also showed that the lack of reading habit increases the risk of cognitive impairment 3.7 times and to only read occasionally increases the risk 2.5 times. Regarding sleep, researchers have found that sleeping less than 6 hours or more than 8 increases the risk of cognitive impairment by 2.6. Both chronic insomnia and daytime sleepiness are therefore risk factors associated with cognitive impairment and dementia.
Science Daily/SOURCE :http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/04/140423095200.htm