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Insomnia Among Returning War Vets As Severe As Patients With Chronic Insomnia

June 10, 2008 —

Science Daily/American Academy of Sleep Medicine

 Insomnia together with post-deployment adjustment disorders among returning war veterans is as severe as patients suffering from chronic insomnia, according to a research abstract that will be presented on June 10 at SLEEP 2008, the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies (APSS).


According to the results, returning OIF veterans endorsed significantly more severe disruptive nocturnal behaviors, such as nightmares and body movements, than both patients with insomnia and good sleepers. Insomnia complaints in returning veterans were as severe as complaints endorsed by insomnia patients. Sleep quality was significantly worse in veterans than in good sleepers.


"These findings highlight the urgent need for sleep-focused assessments and treatments in this new group of combat-exposed military veterans," said Anne Germain, Ph.D., the principal investigator of the study.
